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Crafts for lovers of essential oils, crystals, & pretty things

All of my products are Reiki infused with light, love, and healing energy

Shop handmade crystal jewelry for daily wear, essential oil blend rollers infused with stones to support your chakras on the go, and home decor items to bring a calming sense into your home.

Frequently Asked Questions

AKD Crafts is here to make your jewelry buying process a pleasure. Explore some of the most frequently asked questions that come our way and get all the information you need to make the perfect purchase.

What crystal is right for me? 

Short answer :: whatever calls to you! 
Long answer :: each crystal has its own energy associated with it, much like birthstones help one feel more connected to their birth month and date. 
What energy?? There are 7 major energy systems called chakras in your body. Each chakra is associated with a different set of colors, stones, and qualities. Sometimes these energy centers or balance centers get off balance, which will then make us feel “off” in some way. Using a coordinated stone with whichever chakra you wish to further balance, heal, or strengthen, is a way to help that area of your life. 
:: 🗣PSA 📢 :: THIS IS IN NO WAY A SUBSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL ADVICE- I would never suggest you rely on stones alone to help your body heal in all ways. Please use these only as a way to ASSIST in healing and balancing, or just as a fabulous daily accessory 

What’s the best way to take care of my jewelry?

Ideally you place each piece in a plastic bag between wears to decrease the natural oxidation rate of the metal. 

More details on the stones, please! 

What stone is right for you? 

Sometimes it is as simple as picking what color pops out to you, because your body inherently knows what it needs.

Sometimes it’s better to pick a color based on whatever energy you are trying to promote. 

Clears and purples - crown chakra 

Purples and dark blues - third eye chakra 

Light blues and turquoise - throat chakra 

Greens - heart chakra 

Pinks - heart chakra 

Yellows - solar plexus chakra 

Oranges - sacral chakra 

Reds and blacks - root chakra 

CROWN CHAKRA :: area of connectedness to spirituality, enlightenment 

  • helps with feelings of lack of purpose or feelings of no spiritual connection, as well as materialism 

THIRD EYE CHAKRA :: area of perception, clarity, and intuition 

  • helps with sense of purpose, judgment, and seeing clearly 

THROAT CHAKRA :: area of communication, security, and feelings of independence 

  • Helps with depression and anxiety feelings, fear, and the ability to speak your true thoughts 

HEART CHAKRA :: area for love, compassion, and trusting 

  • helps with acceptance, loving, and compassionate feelings for others and also towards yourself 

SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA :: area of willpower, growth, and energy 

  • helps with issues of insecurity, inability to listen to your gut feelings, and fearful issues 

SACRAL CHAKRA :: area of emotions, creativity, and sexuality 

  • helps with issues of anger, control, and jealousy 

ROOT CHAKRA :: area of stability, grounding, and security 

  • helps with satisfaction and needy feelings, and sense of stability 

Is there something we missed? Please get in touch with us.

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