What stone is right for you?
Sometimes it is as simple as picking what color pops out to you, because your body inherently knows what it needs.
Sometimes it’s better to pick a color based on whatever energy you are trying to promote.
Clears and purples - crown chakra
Purples and dark blues - third eye chakra
Light blues and turquoise - throat chakra
Greens - heart chakra
Pinks - heart chakra
Yellows - solar plexus chakra
Oranges - sacral chakra
Reds and blacks - root chakra
CROWN CHAKRA :: area of connectedness to spirituality, enlightenment
helps with feelings of lack of purpose or feelings of no spiritual connection, as well as materialism
THIRD EYE CHAKRA :: area of perception, clarity, and intuition
helps with sense of purpose, judgment, and seeing clearly
THROAT CHAKRA :: area of communication, security, and feelings of independence
Helps with depression and anxiety feelings, fear, and the ability to speak your true thoughts
HEART CHAKRA :: area for love, compassion, and trusting
helps with acceptance, loving, and compassionate feelings for others and also towards yourself
SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA :: area of willpower, growth, and energy
helps with issues of insecurity, inability to listen to your gut feelings, and fearful issues
SACRAL CHAKRA :: area of emotions, creativity, and sexuality
helps with issues of anger, control, and jealousy
ROOT CHAKRA :: area of stability, grounding, and security
helps with satisfaction and needy feelings, and sense of stability