Hi everyone! I’m Alex, and I am so glad you are here. I am a wife and mom of three wonderful kiddos and a sweet doggo who are both the light of my life, as well as my most challenging adventure. My journey has been toward healing - physically, mentally, and spiritually. Naturally, these stones are perfect for that! I feel so energized when I am making these pieces, and I hope you feel that same loving and supportive energy. My purpose for these pieces is to coordinate with each energy center (or chakra level) in your body. Each color pairs with an energy center, and each energy center also pairs with a specific essential oil (EO) -
CROWN - clears and purples - for connectedness and spirituality
lavender, frankincense, rose EO
THIRD EYE - purples and indigo - for perception, seeing clearly, and stress management
lavender, frankincense EO
THROAT - blues - the emotional center, anxiety and depression management, speaking and diplomacy
stress away EO
HEART - greens and pinks - love, compassion, and trusting for others and also yourself
lavender, lemon EO
SOLAR PLEXUS - yellows - instinct and gut feelings
lemon EO
SACRAL - oranges - joy, creativity, and sexuality
citrus EO
ROOT - reds and blacks - stability, safety, and feelings of being grounded
grounding, cedarwood EO
See my blog posts for more details, and always feel free to reach out to me for more direction! Sending you light, love, and happiness, always -Alex